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Roundup of Education Headlines – April 8, 2013

Here is a sampling of current headlines in education news. Again, they’re rarely focused on TCKs, but all have good information for education consultants to use as they serve families and schools. Enjoy!

Hyperactive Kid? Help the Parents

A new study out of the University of Toronto (Canada) shows that parent education is more effective in helping preschoolers with ADHD than other strategies. For those of us serving as education consultants, this indicates that perhaps there is training we can provide parents while on the field instead of or in addition to looking for far-away resources, including medication.

A.D.H.D. Seen in 11% of U.S. Children as Diagnoses Rise

New data from the Centers for Disease Control in the US show a huge increase in ADHD diagnoses just since 2007. Also, the official definition of ADHD is about to change and will likely allow more teens and adults to be diagnosed with ADHD. Any education consultant serving families who will be returning to the US for educational evaluations should keep their eye on this trend.

Homework or Not? That is the (Research) Question.

The debate about the helpfulness of homework continues. As most of you are involved with a school in one way or another, we thought this article would be helpful. While many of the examples are from the US, the contrast of Finland and South Korea is fascinating!

Flipping the Classroom: A revolutionary approach to learning presents some pros and cons

One of the latest buzzwords in education is the “flipped” classroom. Instead of a teacher taking class time to lecture, students are required to watch a video lesson or lecture from home. The thought is that this leaves more class time for discussion and interactive activities. Many of the home schooling families we serve are essentially already using this model! Is this a trend that might help our sometimes under-staffed agency schools?

Djibouti Jones: The blog of a TCK Mom

You may have seen this on Facebook or had the link emailed to you last month. Judging from the reaction of readers, this post hit home for many families living abroad.

What education topics would you like for us to research for our next roundup of current news?

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